Actor portrayal of a group of postmenopausal women socializing Actor portrayal of a group of postmenopausal women socializing

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Menopause Hormone Therapies (MHT) by Pfizer

Actor portrayal of a postmenopausal woman taking off her shoes

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Experiencing menopause symptoms?

Hot flashes and vaginal symptoms can be disruptive. If these symptoms are moderate to severe, there are options with Pfizer's portfolio of menopause hormone therapies.

Pfizer's menopause hormone therapies

We have four hormonal therapy options that are approved to treat select symptoms for postmenopausal women. Talk to your doctor to find a treatment that's appropriate for you. Estrogens should be used at the lowest dose possible, only for as long as needed.

For moderate to severe hot flashes


(conjugated estrogens/

0.45 mg/20 mg tablets

Visit site


(conjugated estrogens
tablets, USP)

Visit site

For moderate to severe vaginal symptoms


(estradiol vaginal system)

delivers 7.5 mcg per day

Visit site


vaginal cream

(conjugated estrogens)
0.626 mg/g

Visit site

Select Safety Information: Don't use estrogens if you have unusual vaginal bleeding, have or had cancer, stroke, heart attack, liver problems, bleeding disorders, or are pregnant. Do not take these products if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or you think you may be pregnant.

In general, for Premarin, Premarin Vaginal Cream, and Estring, the addition of a progestin is recommended for women with a uterus to reduce the chance of getting cancer of the uterus. Progestins should not be taken with Duavee.

Do not use estrogens with or without progestins to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia. Using estrogens with and without progestins may increase your chances of cancer, strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, and dementia. Estrogens should be used at the lowest dose possible for only as long as needed.

Call your doctor if you get new breast lumps, unusual vaginal bleeding, changes in vision or speech, sudden severe headaches, severe chest or leg pain, or swollen lips, tongue and face, memory loss or confusion. Please see full Important Safety Information on website.

Not actual patients

Actor portrayal of a postmenopausal woman on her laptop next to a man conversing with her

Actor portrayal of a postmenopausal woman on her laptop next to a man conversing with her

Understanding your menopause symptoms

A key to productive conversations around menopause is being prepared to talk about how your symptoms affect your daily life.

In our questionnaire we'll ask about your experience with certain symptoms. You can use your answers as a tool to talk to your doctor about these symptoms and about finding an appropriate treatment.

Let’s get started

Actor portrayal of a postmenopausal woman on her laptop next to a man conversing with her Actor portrayal of a postmenopausal woman on her laptop next to a man conversing with her

Not actual patients

Actor portrayal of a group of postmenopausal women socializing Actor portrayal of a group of postmenopausal women socializing

Not actual patients

Let’s talk about your symptoms

Identifying your most bothersome menopause symptoms and recording their impact can help your doctor understand your experience and find appropriate treatment.

Make a selection for each question below and bring your answers along to your next doctor’s appointment as a reference to help guide your conversation.

*Required field

This quiz is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. This is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. Decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.

Your results are on the way!

Keep an eye out for our email in your inbox. Your quiz results will be inside along with tips for talking about menopause with your doctor.

Start the conversation

You reported hot flashes as bothersome for you. Talking openly with your doctor about your menopause symptoms and their impact on your day-to-day life may help them understand your experience and work with you to consider appropriate treatments. Save or print out this information as a reference point for your next appointment.

If your doctor determines you have moderate to severe hot flashes due to menopause, consider talking to them about the following Menopause Hormone Therapies by Pfizer.*

Premarin tablets are used after menopause to reduce moderate to severe hot flashes and treat menopausal changes in and around the vagina. If you use Premarin tablets only to treat your menopausal changes in and around your vagina, talk with your healthcare provider about whether a topical vaginal product would be better for you.

Duavee is used after menopause for women with a uterus to reduce moderate to severe hot flashes.

Select Safety Information: Don't use estrogens if you have unusual vaginal bleeding, have or had cancer, stroke, heart attack, liver problems, bleeding disorders, or are pregnant. Do not take these products if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or you think you may be pregnant.

In general, for Premarin, Premarin Vaginal Cream, and Estring, the addition of a progestin is recommended for women with a uterus to reduce the chance of getting cancer of the uterus. Progestins should not be taken with Duavee.

Do not use estrogens with or without progestins to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia. Using estrogens with and without progestins may increase your chances of cancer, strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, and dementia. Estrogens should be used at the lowest dose possible for only as long as needed.

Call your doctor if you get new breast lumps, unusual vaginal bleeding, changes in vision or speech, sudden severe headaches, severe chest or leg pain, or swollen lips, tongue and face, memory loss or confusion. Please see full Important Safety Information on website.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. This is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. Decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.


(conjugated estrogens
tablets, USP)

Visit site


(conjugated estrogens/

0.45 mg/20 mg tablets

Visit site

Start the conversation

You reported one or more vaginal symptoms as bothersome for you. Talking openly with your doctor about your menopause symptoms and their impact on your day-to-day life may help them understand your experience and work with you to consider appropriate treatments. Save or print out this information as a reference point for your next appointment.

If your doctor determines you have moderate to severe vaginal atrophy due to menopause, consider talking to them about the following Menopause Hormone Therapies by Pfizer.*

Estring is a local estrogen therapy used after menopause to treat moderate to severe menopausal changes in and around the vagina.

Premarin Vaginal Cream is used after menopause to treat menopausal changes in and around the vagina and to treat moderate to severe painful intercourse caused by these changes.

Select Safety Information: Don't use estrogens if you have unusual vaginal bleeding, have or had cancer, stroke, heart attack, liver problems, bleeding disorders, or are pregnant. Do not take these products if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or you think you may be pregnant.

In general, for Premarin, Premarin Vaginal Cream, and Estring, the addition of a progestin is recommended for women with a uterus to reduce the chance of getting cancer of the uterus. Progestins should not be taken with Duavee.

Do not use estrogens with or without progestins to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia. Using estrogens with and without progestins may increase your chances of cancer, strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, and dementia. Estrogens should be used at the lowest dose possible for only as long as needed.

Call your doctor if you get new breast lumps, unusual vaginal bleeding, changes in vision or speech, sudden severe headaches, severe chest or leg pain, or swollen lips, tongue and face, memory loss or confusion. Please see full Important Safety Information on website.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. This is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. Decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.


(estradiol vaginal system)

delivers 7.5 mcg per day

Visit site


vaginal cream

(conjugated estrogens) 0.626 mg/g

Visit site

Start the conversation

You reported hot flashes and vaginal symptoms as bothersome for you. Talking openly with your doctor about your menopause symptoms and their impact on your day-to-day life may help them understand your experience and work with you to consider appropriate treatments. Save or print out this information as a reference point for your next appointment.

If your doctor determines you have moderate to severe hot flashes and moderate to severe vaginal atrophy due to menopause, consider talking to them about the following Menopause Hormone Therapies by Pfizer.*

Premarin tablets are used after menopause to reduce moderate to severe hot flashes and treat menopausal changes in and around the vagina. If you use Premarin tablets only to treat your menopausal changes in and around your vagina, talk with your healthcare provider about whether a topical vaginal product would be better for you.

Select Safety Information: Don't use estrogens if you have unusual vaginal bleeding, have or had cancer, stroke, heart attack, liver problems, bleeding disorders, or are pregnant. Do not take these products if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or you think you may be pregnant.

In general, for Premarin, Premarin Vaginal Cream, and Estring, the addition of a progestin is recommended for women with a uterus to reduce the chance of getting cancer of the uterus. Progestins should not be taken with Duavee.

Do not use estrogens with or without progestins to prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, or dementia. Using estrogens with and without progestins may increase your chances of cancer, strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, and dementia. Estrogens should be used at the lowest dose possible for only as long as needed.

Call your doctor if you get new breast lumps, unusual vaginal bleeding, changes in vision or speech, sudden severe headaches, severe chest or leg pain, or swollen lips, tongue and face, memory loss or confusion. Please see full Important Safety Information on website.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. This is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. Decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.


(conjugated estrogens

tablets, USP)

Visit site

Start the conversation

At this point in time, you indicated that neither hot flashes nor vaginal symptoms were bothersome to you. If your menopause symptoms change or become bothersome, you may want to revisit our site and fill out the questionnaire again.

This information is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. This is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. Decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.
Here are some helpful tips when talking to your doctor

You have limited time during your appointment, so prepare what you’d like to address in advance. It helps to be clear and concise.

Use descriptive language and be specific—describe duration, frequency, and triggers for your symptoms.

Speak openly about your experiences with your symptoms, even if they seem embarrassing.

Doctors use medical terminology, so if you hear them use a term you don’t understand—pause and ask for clarification.

Express your preferences when it comes to treatment. Your health and comfort are important when creating a treatment plan.

Here are some helpful tips when talking to your doctor

You have limited time during your appointment, so prepare what you’d like to address in advance. It helps to be clear and concise.

Use descriptive language and be specific—describe duration, frequency, and triggers for your symptoms.

Speak openly about your experiences with your symptoms, even if they seem embarrassing.

Doctors use medical terminology, so if you hear them use a term you don’t understand—pause and ask for clarification.

Express your preferences when it comes to treatment. Your health and comfort are important when creating a treatment plan.

Learn about menopause management with hormone therapy as published by The Menopause Society

See more

Actor portrayal of a postmenopausal woman reading her mail

Actor portrayal of a postmenopausal woman reading her mail

Not an actual patient

Stages of menopause

The duration of hot flashes varies and can last up to 14 years in some women. It’s important to understand where you are in your menopause experience, so we’ve broken it down for you.


This is the first stage of menopause where estrogen levels begin to decline and fluctuate, and your period may become irregular.

This typically begins in your mid to late 40s but may happen earlier or later. You may begin to experience some symptoms.


Once you've not had a period after 12 consecutive months, you've reached menopause.

The average age is 52, and by now your estrogen levels have dropped considerably. You may begin to experience symptoms more consistently.


This stage is for all the years after menopause, which on average begins at age 52. You may continue to experience symptoms.

Educate yourself on menopause

There are various terms related to menopause. We've highlighted a few that you may have come across.
Vasomotor symptoms (VMS)
This is the clinical term that refers to hot flashes and night sweats. Both can occur due to decreased estrogen levels.
Vaginal atrophy (VA)
This is the clinical term to describe the thinning of vaginal walls. This can lead to dryness, burning, and itching. Additionally, this can lead to painful sex (dyspareunia) and/or painful urination (dysuria).
Hormones and treatment

Menopause Hormone Therapies# may also be referred to as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), so while they sound different, they are referring to the same treatments.

Estrogens are the sex hormones responsible for the development and regulation of the female reproductive system. Estrogens decline during menopause, causing certain symptoms.

Other “need-to-knows”

Osteoporosis can occur due to menopause, and on average, menopausal women lose up to 10% of their bone density. Some women may lose up to 20%.

Some menopause hormone therapies can help prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis.

More resources for menopause information

Check out these credible sources on your research journey.

  1. The Menopause Society
  2. Office on Women’s Health
  3. International Menopause Society
#Menopause Hormone Therapies are approved to treat certain symptoms of menopause, not all symptoms of menopause. See indications below or visit the website for more information. Individual symptoms and experiences with menopause may vary. Consult your healthcare team regarding appropriate medical treatment. The information provided is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Save with MHT by Pfizer savings card**

Depending on your insurance and other factors, you may be able to save on Menopause Hormone Therapies with our Savings Card Programs.

**Eligibility required. Savings are per prescription fill. Annual savings depend on prescription. State and federal beneficiaries and cash-paying patients not eligible. See full Terms and Conditions here. No Membership fees.

Savings start here

*Required field
